London Borough - Case Study - eXceeding
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London Borough

Awarding and managing multiple short-term contracts in a cost-effective and compliant way


Faced with multiple, short-term projects needing to be completed concurrently to ensure the proper care, maintenance and regeneration of parks in its area, a London borough  council approached eXceeding for help in awarding and managing the contracts.

The council had a series of work orders it wanted to award to a single provider over a period of two years. eXceeding ran an Open Procedure which was PCR 2015 compliant that allowed the council to call off the scheduled work as required.

eXceeding ran the council’s ITT (invitation to tender) process, which was purposefully SME-friendly. Our experts supported the council with the entire end-to-end procurement process, including establishing a reporting process through which the projects could be tracked.

This proved to be the start of a strong relationship between the council and eXceeding, with further opportunities for our experts to support the council anticipated in the near future.

The background.

The council had been granted money within its yearly budget towards various park-related works in the borough, including maintenance, removal, planting, and the treatment and/or care of green spaces.

The council had identified several projects it wished to commence, and approached eXceeding looking for a cost-effective and compliant way to award to and manage these requirements, as well as for assistance with supplier sourcing and specification creation, and running the whole ITT process.

The challenge.

Some of the individual phases of the projects the council had in mind were as short as three months in duration, but the contract had to run over the multiple years. With multiple phases ongoing at any one time, the council needed a compliant, cost-effective way to award to a suitable provider – one that was easy to manage.

How eXceeding helped.

In discussions with council stakeholders, it became clear the council needed a single solution that would enable it to call off the works as required. Achieving value for money was incredibly important, as was ensuring adherence to quality standards and deadlines.

The team at eXceeding recommended the Open Procedure ITT as the optimal route to market. It allowed the council to get whole market access, provided a compliant way for the council to contract its works, and the competitive nature of the ITT helped ensure best value was achieved for each phase.


More than 200 phases to the contract

clock with four arrows round the outside of it

Contract duration of three years

Dark blue circle with a rosette inside with a tick in the middle

Single Open Procedure procurement solution

End-to-end procurement service

The outcome.

eXceeding’s procurement experts supported the council with the entire end-to-end process of setting up and managing its procurement of park-related works.

As well as recommending an ideal route to market, our experts helped to source and credit check suppliers, complete the call-off documents for each phase of the work and prepare any contractual information needed to get each phase underway.

Our team supported the council with SRM (supplier relationship management) to ensure the works were completed to the required standards and within the identified time frame. All progress against the different phases was tracked from a single, easy-to-use report.

eXceeding’s practical procurement solutions enabled the council to contract its entire schedule of projects quickly, cost-effectively and compliantly. We also supplied the council with a simple solution to manage those projects going forwards – in short, providing everything the council had asked for in its brief.