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Supplier Relationship Management

Blog articles relating to Supplier Relationship Management (or SRM) – the practice of managing relationships across your supply chains to get the best value and service from your suppliers.

Procurement Professionals in a meeting

The Collapse of ISG:
Lessons in Risk Management for Procurement Professionals

The recent news of the collapse of ISG, one of the UK’s leading construction and fit-out companies, has sent shockwaves through the industry again following the failure of Carilion in 2018. With numerous high-value contracts in place across both public and private sectors, ISG’s sudden fall has left many organisations in a precarious position. Buyers […]

By Leigh Hatfull on 24 September 2024

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Business man and woman Discussing And Sharing Ideas in office with a view

Unleashing the power of Supplier Relationship Management
6 quick wins to focus on right now

When it comes to SRM, many organisations face challenges but managing suppliers effectively means you could be saving costs, improving your customer satisfaction or reducing future risk. Read our top tips to help improve your SRM today.

By Steve Rowland on 18 August 2023

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Close up of man's hand typing in numbers on a calculator whilst reviewing business reports

Navigating the cost-of-living crisis
How procurement teams are rising to the challenge

Procurement teams have been significantly impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. As the unsung heroes working tirelessly behind the scenes to secure goods, works and services for organisations, what are they doing to overcome these challenges? We investigate.

By Steve Rowland on 7 July 2023

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Question Why is it important to continuously review your suppliers?

VIDEO: Diversifying your supplier base
Why you should be taking a closer look at your your supplier portfolio.

Do you know where the risks lie within your supplier portfolio? Are you looking to support more local SMEs? Listen to our discussion on why your should be diversifying your current supplier base.

By Mick O'Donnell & Leigh Hatfull on 3 March 2023

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Empty shopping cart in forest

Sustainable sourcing
Why it’s as much about the journey as the destination

Sustainable sourcing is increasingly on the agenda for many organisations and those that are seeking to improve their environmental and ethical credentials are looking to procurement as a key enabler of the change required to make a difference.

By Steve Rowland on 7 November 2021

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Hand signing contract

Procurement contract management

The better your relationship with your suppliers, the better the overall deal you are going to achieve both in procurement and within Contract Lifecycle Management. In this guide, we provide insights into the contract management process and how to optimise your long-term supplier relationships.

By Steve Rowland on 23 September 2021

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Aerial View of containers in port

Building resilient supply chains
Why – post-pandemic and BREXIT – it’s time to look forward, not back

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that procurement organisations must look forwards, and not backwards. To guard against future disruption and uncertainty, now – more than ever – it’s time to build supply chains that are truly future-proof.

By Mick O'Donnell on 8 June 2021

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Why procurement teams need to be doing category management right now
The benefits it brings, top tips for success, and where to go if you need help

Our experts offer their top tips for successful category management implementation – whether it’s your first foray into it, or you’re you’re looking to improve your current processes.

By Steve Lemon on 4 May 2021

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Top tips for outsourcing IT services in the NHS
How to balance risk and reward when lives are on the line

The NHS is the biggest employer in the UK, and every NHS trust will outsource some element of there IT contracts. How, then, do you choose the right outsourcing provider and, more importantly, how do you ensure value for money?

By Steve Rowland on 6 April 2021

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Illustration of two business men shaking hands standing on a clip board holding a signed contract

Supplier relationship management: the importance of collaboration in your supply chain
Why renegotiation, not re-tendering, might be the answer.

In this blog we explore how collaborating with your suppliers, through good supplier relationship management, and renegotiating contract terms might be a better solution than going out to tender.

By Mick O'Donnell on 27 January 2021

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Volume commitments as part of contract negotiations
How do you ensure that you can meet the demand?

When you signed that contract, you were absolutely sure that you could guarantee that spend. Now though the world has changed and that contractual obligation for a volume commitment could cause irrevocable damage. What can you do?

By Steve Rowland on 29 December 2020

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