Outsourcing Specialists | eXceeding
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Is outsourcing right for your organisation?

Is outsourcing right for It is therefore important to evaluate whether outsourcing is the best solution for your organisation.

Here are our top tips to assessing whether it’s the best option for yours:

  1. Is your management fully committed to moving ahead provided you can provide a compelling business case?
    If not, how can they be or is the project a non-starter?
  2. Is your organisation truly ready to accommodate a third-party service provider?
    If your organisation is not ready, can you leverage the right change management techniques to enable this.
  3. What is your scope for Outsourcing: what processes, resources and activity must be kept in-house?
    It is vital to establish exactly what can and cannot be delivered by an external source.
  4. Are all the costs, including delivery costs, accounted for in any potential deal?
    Cost saving is an essential reason and component of sourcing. Establishing if this is going to be part of a deal and to what extent is an essential piece of information.
  5. What are your precise requirements from potential suppliers?
    What do you need and can the potential provider meet these with stringent SLAs (service level agreements)?
  6. If they seem a suitable supplier, can they truly deliver what they claim they can?
    Establish in writing the scale of outsourcing, SLAs and assess whether these can be met.
  7. How does the potential service provider propose to meet your requirements in line with their capabilities?
    Ensure you visit any serious potential service provider’s premises to assess their capability to deliver on their claims and any security measures you may require for data handling.
  8. What is their track record?
    Obtain references and case studies to establish their successes or otherwise delivering similar solutions and or dealing with businesses of similar size to yours.
  9. Is your selection method quantitative, qualitative and objective?
    Establish how you will select the winning candidate. Is this reasoned and logical?
  10. Have you truly evaluated the impact and practicalities of sourcing?
    If your organisation does not have the resources available, or knowledge base needed to deliver this project, consider bringing in an outsourcing consultant. Expert procurement consultants have in-depth knowledge of the relevant markets, practical experience and proven methodology to ensure you achieve the best result from outsourcing.

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Why choose eXceeding to support your outsourcing strategy?


Why are we different? We have experience on both sides of the buyer/vendor relationship, so we know what each side wants and need to achieve. We encourage long-term win-win partnerships for the benefit of both parties.


We understand what good looks like across many categories. Our pragmatic, impartial advice will help you to review the effectiveness of your existing outsourced solutions, re-engage suppliers or tender for new providers.


Our brilliant team of outsourcing experts have structured and negotiated complex, multi-million-pound outsourcing agreements across private, public and third sector organisations.

Want to know more? Just get in touch!


Outsourcing insights.

Read article

What is outsourcing?

What are the benefits and how can you approach it strategically?
Case Study

Considerate Construction Scheme (CCS)

Renegotiating business process outsourcing (BPO) contracts

Outsourcing Services: The onshore/offshore debate

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