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Reviewing Picker's bid submission for a key NHS contract.

About Picker.

Picker has a strong history of supporting all those working across the health and social care systems.

Picker’s primary service function is measuring patient experience through surveys with the ambition of driving quality improvement in healthcare. They use this research to then advance thinking and create debate with partners and well as supply the NHS with key data to monitor performance.


We were approached by Picker with a request to review their submission for a key contract which concerned an NHS Patient Surveys Programme into the CQC.

This was a vital and hugely strategic piece of business for them which would have significant board level awareness attached. With no formal bid writing team internally, it was felt that they required a professional eye to help strengthen some of the answers constructed by subject matter experts and their existing collateral.

Our role was to review Picker’s initial responses against the scoring criteria and to provide suggestions as to how to strengthen the bid to increase the likelihood of winning the business. We also had to work quickly to make up time as the bidding process was currently behind schedule.

The challenge.

We identified 3 key challenges which needed to be addressed as part of the project:

Timeline: internal processes meant that we had only 5 days to make an impact on the bid.

Stakeholder Management: The Head of Marketing, Head of Service Delivery and the Group Operations Director had all been asked to contribute to the bid ensuring it had maximum prioritisation.

Internal Processes: Despite the tight timeframe, we had to include time for strict internal review and sign off procedures.

The solution.

Our bid consultant compressed the bid review and submission process into just five days by completing the following key steps:

  1. Our first task was to assess all of the tender documentation. We then reviewed the answers that had already been produced against questions and scoring criteria. Once completed we would feed back to Picker on findings.
  2. It became apparent that some of the questions would not score highly enough and had put success in jeopardy.
    Our consultant’s role was to ensure that these priorities were addressed and to provide guidance as to how the bid response could be improved.
  3. The internal processes meant that eXceeding was left with only 5 days. Our consultant worked through the weekend to give guidance on improving content.
    He then engaged in conversations with Picker’s senior stakeholders, to ensure that this guidance was correctly interpreted and implemented into the final submission.


Business-critical contract

Turned around in only 5 days

The contract was ultimately
awarded to Picker

Despite the tight timeframes, we were able to
collate and deliver the responses on time

Working to strict internal review
and sign off procedures

The future.

We were then able to continue our conversations regarding bid workshops and strategy with the advantage of having a much fuller idea of the bid challenges that Picker were facing within the organisation.

As a result, the strategy sessions, which took place several months after, were even more successful because of this groundwork.

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