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Bid Response Planning.

A winning bid requires careful planning. Planning your bid response ensures that all areas of the tender documentation have been scrutinised and understood and all members of the bid team are clear as to their responsibilities.

Why is planning out your bid response so important?

When it’s time to translate strategy into a fully formed bid response, it’s important to remember that, whilst internal contributors are experts in their field, they may not be highly skilled at writing bid responses. They’ll need support and direction.

Added to that, that they are busy working on other business critical tasks, it is essential that they understand the time needed from them to contribute to the bid.

A well-planned bid response process requires time and resource and ideally someone to take ownership of pulling together contributions from individual experts to ensure a coherent response.

It also saves time when it comes to writing the final bid submission, forming a critical part of the bid management process.


Why outsource your bid response planning?

Imagine the scenario: You’ve been offered the opportunity to enter into a tender response process for your dream contract, but you’ve established that you don’t have the internal resource or experience to respond to a bid this complex. You’re not alone.

Over 70% of our clients report that they could have drafted a far better bid response if they had had adequate time and resource to thoroughly plan out the bid response.

Issues reported include:

  1. Lack of clarity on all areas that need to be covered to get top marks.
  2. Contributors being outside of their comfort zone and unsure of where to begin.
  3. Unreasonable expectations on technical writers – they’re experts in their field, but not always gifted at presenting their ideas in writing.
  4. Responses not prioritised due to other responsibilities of contributors’ day jobs – often resulting in late, poor quality responses.

So why not consider outsourcing your bid response planning to specialist consultants, like us, instead.

eXceeding’s expert bid consultants know how important a good bid response process and plan is to ensuring a winning bid. We will break down the questions to help your team to fully understand the level of detail needed, advise on the best ways to evidence your experience and effectively hold their hands throughout the process.

Get in touch.

Sometimes it’s easier to discuss your requirements directly. Contact one of our expert bid consultants now.


Get in touch

The bid response planning process.

What is the bid response process? Discover the eXceeding way.

  1. Strategy review: We start by reviewing the tender documents. We look at the questions, the scoring criteria and methodology and check these against the agreed strategy.
  2. Question Assessment: We break down the questions and create easy to use ‘answer planning’ templates that meet every aspect of the scoring criteria.
  3. Implementation of win themes and key messages: We use proven techniques to evidence experience, win themes and key messages.
  4. Storyboarding: We work with the subject matter experts to complete the key points that need to be articulated for each section in bullet point format, effectively storyboarding the bid response before completing the first draft.
  5. Check against the criteria: Our consultants will guide your team through the response plans to ensure that their answers meet the criteria.

See our approach for more detail on how this forms part of the bid response process.

Why choose eXceeding for bid response planning?

eXceeding employs a national network of bid writing experts. This enables us to call on a category specialist with current market knowledge of response planning within your chosen sector. Our team tackle tender responses every day, so they understand how bids are scored and the selection criteria.

This bid response process enables you to proceed to drafting the bid response with the confidence that all contributors are well prepared and understand their roles. It will speed up the process of writing and reviewing the responses and will increase win rates as you have carefully planned your responses in line with the end customer’s requirements.

By outsourcing your bid response planning to us, our consultants can run the entire process. As well as saving time and resource, working with us will ensure the following outcomes:

Next step?


The outcomes you can expect

A clear plan

Identifying owners and deadlines – for all questions.


Contributors know what’s expected of them, and when.


The entire team is invested in the bid.


You have defined a streamlined process, with minimal impact on business as usual.

Book a free online appointment.

Why not book a free appointment to discuss your requirements in more detail with one of our experts.


Book a bidding appointment

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