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Bid strategy

The challenges of developing a winning bid strategy
... and how to overcome them

Winning work is difficult. To beat the competition, you need a clear bid strategy and your bid has to make you stand out from the rest.

By Theny Monteith on 19 February 2021

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Why develop a bid strategy?

How to meet tight deadlines when responding to tenders
The importance of planning ahead

Writing a tender with a short deadline may seem daunting, but it is possible with optimum organisation, efficient processes and the right team.

By Jane Shortfall on 5 February 2021

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To bid, or not to bid
How much time and resource should you invest in bidding?

When presented with what seems like a great new business opportunity, it can be hard to think about turning it down but sometimes this is exactly what you should do. This is your ‘bid; no bid’ decision.

By Steve Rowland on 10 January 2021

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What makes an engaging tender response?
An evaluator’s perspective

In our capacity as evaluators, we’ve read through vast numbers of poorly written and badly conceived bid responses and a much smaller number of well-written and interesting documents which captivate the reader. Here’s how to stand out from the crowd.

By Steve Rowland on 4 January 2021

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The 7 most common bid proposal writing mistakes
What to look out for when writing tender responses

We have reviewed thousands of PQQs and tenders and it is amazing how many people make the same mistakes. Because of this we have decided to put together a list of the most common errors we have found.

By Theny Monteith on 28 December 2020

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10 top tips to help SMEs bid for business
From expert bid writers

Our expert bid writers provide their 10 top tips for small to medium enterprise businesses on bid planning and writing winning bid responses.

By Mick O'Donnell on 2 December 2020

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How to improve the quality of your bids through bespoke bid training
Upskill your bid team to craft winning responses

In today’s competitive climate, bid teams are finding it increasingly difficult to win new contracts. Complex tender requirements, limited resources and a lack of market knowledge can all lead to a sudden loosing streak. This is where expert bid training can really help.

By Theny Monteith on 19 November 2020

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